
Pena de morte

O New York Times publicou uma reportagem dizendo que, por causa das dificuldades econômicas decorrentes da crise mundial, alguns estados dos EUA estão tentando rever a pena de morte. Hoje foi publicada a seguinte carta:

Cost of the Death Penalty
Published: February 28, 2009
To the Editor:
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Citing Cost, States Consider End to Death Penalty (February 25, 2009)
Re “In Push to End Death Penalty, Some States Cite Cost-Cutting” (front page, Feb. 25): California is paying more for its dysfunctional death penalty than any other state. Our comprehensive analysis revealed that the death penalty costs California taxpayers more than $137 million each and every year.
This study was the first to review the accounting records of actual trials in California, including records of time spent on the case by prosecution staff members. These records revealed that one death penalty trial cost more than $10 million, and another required more than 20,000 hours of prosecution time. One county could not hire needed police officers because of outstanding bills from a death penalty case.
Like the majority of our states, California wastes resources on the death penalty while most murders go unsolved and most killers walk the street. It’s time to invest in real justice for all, and stop wasting money on symbolism for a few.
Natasha MinskerDeath Penalty Policy DirectorA.C.L.U. of Northern CaliforniaSan Francisco, Feb. 25, 2009

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